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Monday 13 June 2011

On Doing Nothing

One of the most difficult things in this world would be to do nothing. Perhaps even more troublesome is the idea, that you must conjure up 500 word on doing nothing. I have never attempted either of the two activities, but I guess there must be a fist time to every thing.

So how do you, do nothing? Do you sit at one place, read book but with an absent mind, or do you just go out for a stroll, or better still sleep? In all these even though you may not be doing anything worthwhile (Figuratively speaking) but you are nevertheless sitting, reading (moving your eyes) walking, sleeping.

Sitting, Reading, Strolling and Sleeping are all activities in themselves aren't they? Ok! May be we can cross reading out of this list since we weren't paying attention in the first place. Even then the other activities are still activities, they do not come into the ambit of doing nothing. So how do we classify, objectively say, that we were doing nothing when in fact, there is perhaps no activity in the current English lexicon that conforms to doing nothing.  

Ah well!! Here's the confusion then, what constitutes a worthwhile activity, as opposed to doing nothing? And how do you define doing nothing? A worthwhile activity could be something that produces tangible results, which could be material or non-material.

For example if we say that Max was chopping logs outside. Here Max our subject is chopping logs (activity) and producing tangible results (smaller pieces of log). This is what any dictionary would describe as a worthwhile activity producing tangible results. Now let us see how doing nothing is defined? If you key in Google, "Define Doing Nothing" it will yield this definition, 

Leisure or free time, is a period of time spent out of work and essential domestic activity. It is also the period of recreational and discretionary time before or after compulsory activities such as eating and sleeping, going to work or running a business

Now I ask you, Leisure or Free time comprises of what? Doing nothing? But what do you do in leisure, may be stroll but then is that not an activity? May be watch television, that’s an activity as well. Moving on to the next part, of the definition, lets ask our selves what's our idea of recreation? It could be swimming or playing cards, isn't that an activity too?

That’s too much confusion for one day. I guess I'll just leave it at that, save the file and do nothing.

Sunday 22 May 2011

The First Step

People always say that first step towards salvation is realising your fallacies and coming to terms with them. However, i am yet to come across any Grand master, Guru or Spiritual leader who can tell people what to do when they are constantly faced with negativity?

A lot of situations in life are negative, constantly crticising boss for one. I am sure that He/ She whichever demon you are dealing with has his/her own take on the situation but if you feel that situation is well past reconciliation what do you do? Cut your losses, i guess.

Hey, i did my homework though. have realised the problem areas where I need to work and improve. Also analysed my strengths. There's some great resources available on Gallup web site, i strongly recommend use for all those in their late 20's who are wondering what their purpose on earth is?

will continue this train of thought in a few hours


Proud owner of a rumination outpost


Whichever part of the world you are reading this from, welcome and thank you for coming. This is my first post and i hope i will be able to provide you with some insights, some experiences, some thoughts etc. which will classify your experience on this page as delightful.

Hopefuly you will like it enough to come back and give your feedback. I look forward to some interesting debates, differences of opinions and delightful rebuttals to my remarks.
